Our first of two 2022 London events with Nemonte Nenquimo, an indigenous Waorani woman. Nemonte is a member of the Waorani Nation from the Amazonian Region of Ecuador, the first female president of the Waorani of Pastaza and the recipient of the Goldman Environmental prize.

Event took place on: 13 June 2022

During this live event at the Conduit in London, Nemonte shared stories and insights of the destruction of the world’s largest tropical rainforest and delivered calls to action encouraging the audience to take better care of Mother Nature.

Nemonte Nenquimo is an indigenous Waorani woman who has committed herself to defending her ancestral territory, ecosystem, culture, economy, and way of life. For thousands of years, the Amazon rainforest has provided food, water and spiritual connection for not only its Indigenous inhabitants, but the rest of the world. But the endless extraction of its natural resources by oil companies is catastrophically destroying the environment, and the lives of those who call it home.


Hosted by Jessica Sweidan.

This event was a partnership with Flourishing Diversity, Earthrise, and The Conduit.

Flourishing Diversity seeks to amplify the voices of those individuals and communities rooted in the wisdom of their interconnection with the land, waters, forests and fellow species. By bringing alternative life ways to the hearts and minds of wider audiences, we aim to contribute to a deeper shift in those cultures driving ecocide and to garner greater respect and support towards Indigenous and local communities whose practices uphold biodiversity and planetary health.

Earthrise is a multi-media storytelling studio focused on climate and culture. We tell stories for a new world. Radical stories of hope, of new possibility: stories from the future that help us navigate the now.

The Conduit is a collaborative community of people committed to creating a just, prosperous and sustainable future.


Prior to this event, Nemonte sat down with our sister organisation Synchronicity Earth, you can read the full interview here.


“We’re singers, historians, scientists. I’m here speaking on behalf of our ancestors.”

–Nemonte Nenquimo


Date Added: 6 June 2022